About Us
The FOG Cycling Club was created in 1992 to promote masters cycling in Manitoba. This goal is accomplished primarily through weekly club rides and through participation in organised competitive and non-competitive events. Active participation in these events will develop riding skills and cycling etiquette. While masters cycling is the primary focus of the club, club rides are open to all riders in promotion of the club values of good sportsmanship and healthy competition through active participation in recreational and competitive cycling.
As an example of the varied riding we do, almost all of the photos on this site are of FOG riders themselves.
Latest News
Sept 1, 2023
Cross Is Coming
Manitoba's longest continuously running cyclocross race, CrossTastic, takes place Sunday October 15th at Whittier Park. The 14th edition hosts the Manitoba Provincial Cyclocross Championships. Come out and cheer on the competitors or better yet take part yourself! read more >
New Web Site
The new web site is coming live in bits and pieces. Don't be surprised to find some dead links, empty pages, and even duplicate pages.
© FOG Cycling Club 2014-2025